For a detailed outline of all rooms created in your account,

Step 1: To view your ROOMS page, click the Rooms button in the main menu.

  • Each room can be labeled with an icon (1), to simplify orientation and increase affiliation. 

  • Every room is listed with its room name and is marked with the status “active” or “passive”, depending on whether the room is currently being used for a session or not (2).

  • In addition, all users that were assigned to this room are listed. (3)

  • Via the three buttons on the right, you can view all settings and details of the respective room (4), edit the room (5), and deactivate the room (6).

  • Once a room is deactivated, it is still available, yet the user can no longer see or use it. 

  • This allows you to control the availability of rooms, e.g., when certain rooms are not to be used for a certain period, but you do not want to permanently delete and recreate them.

  • With the help of the integrated search bar, you can quickly and easily search for specific rooms (7), or for users that are assigned to specific rooms. (8)